I have some special kits in limited quantity which will be released first on Friday Night at Meet the Teachers. I also will have some one of a kind finished earrings, all unique, and all bead embroidery available. I wanted to do something special to bring customers to me at that event. I'm excited about offering these special items at that event first. I expect some may sell out there. The coupon in your show registration goodie bag will only be honored at MTT. She's a Suburban Girl is limited to 7 kits! I wanted more but this is it! And I won't be asking the artist to do more for me as it is time to move on. This little collage is just a sample of what is to be offered first at MTT.
I am also selling at Moonlight Madness and in the Show room all weekend. Loads more kits including newly released Tila or Tile Mosaic.
In addition to the show items, I am also hand carrying the pieces to go in my book. I meet my editor with Kalmbach books on Wednesday. We do have a little video clip planned. I'm a little nervous about that! I have practiced a few times. I even got a special manicure for the taping. Mostly they will be looking at my old hands. I have not been video taped for production for DECADES.
The book is expected to be published late spring. I hope before Bead and Button 2018. To say this has been an experience is an understatement. Many times I said that I will never do this again. And I believe that, but you never know do you? I will miss wearing some of these pieces for almost a year! And I am very grateful to several ladies who made extra samples knowing they would also have to wait a year before getting their pieces back.
I hope to see some of you in Milwaukee! Say HI!!