One of the areas of my life that I knew needed to be restored was a better balance of my time. And that is what is happening this summer. Doing some things other than so many bead related tasks is a good thing. Lots of neglected chores and daily living tasks are getting done.
I am getting out in the morning for my walk. I enjoy seeing the birds and water around me.
With some help, I am also spending some time and energy getting my yard in better shape. I'm doing more cleaning of neglected areas. Little by little the house and yard is taking shape.
Speaking of cleaning, that also included kitty baths. They do not particularly enjoy this task. An early morning bath followed by sunbathing on the porch to dry.
Of course I've been beading. Some UFO's have been done. Projects started months ago have taken shape. I have actually made some pieces for me with no intended purpose. Not for a class or for a kit but just because. That is a wonderful thing.
New kit projects and color combinations are in progress for the sales table at BeadFest Philly and Tacoma.
And of course Bead and Button 2018 class proposals are almost finished.
I also gave in to the little voice in me telling me to re-join my local gym. I just don't seem to be able to walk as long each morning in the heat as I would like to get in my steps. So late after noon or early evening, depending on my mood, I go to the gym to walk some more. To kill the boredom on a tread mill I listen to books on tape. It is more entertaining for me than TV. Maybe I'll progress to use a machine other than the tread mill, but at this point, I'm quite happy with just walking. Getting my 10,000 daily steps on my Fitbit is a great thing. And I feel even better when it is over 15,000 steps. My next little goal during this summer of dreams, is to dust off the bicycle and get out to do some peddling.