Tuesday, March 30, 2021

What's New Pussycat?

What's New Pussycat??    

I admit with the Covid restrictions world wide, it seems there is less 'new' and more survival going on!  In the beady world this is so true.  So what follows is some beady chit chat.

I can't say I miss the new bead shape of the week, which is what seemed to be happening for a while in the before time.  Bead stores couldn't possibly keep up with them all.  People need to be shown what to do with the new beads and with fewer publications, very few in person classes, and a general slow down of dreaming up designs for others, it now seems we are seeing less in the new bead category for now.  The need for new new new has slowed.  Few if any live retreats, few stores really able to bring in teachers, on and on.  So not a lot out there that's new, a good thing for now. One of my pieces using the Diamond (or Gem) duo bead.  I called it Diamond Fleur and the pattern is in my Etsy Shop.

I think this change is positive, now bead artists are working with our tremendous supply and designing new ways to work the beads.  I have seen some fantastic designs.  The pressure to come up with a design using yet another "new" bead has slowed.  This is good.  The outcome, in my opinion, shows in some great work by talented bead artists.

I know there are many bead artists teaching on Zoom.  The Zoom option is making it possible to take a class from talented artists all over!  Just deal with a little time difference and you are good to go!  Your favorite designer is in England?  No problem.  Wonderful options abound.  I hope and believe that this online option will continue.  I hope it slows somewhat and we can get back together but it has brought a wonderful new media to the bead world.  I hope you agree.  My next class with SocialBeadia is Split Personality.  One of my favorites.  https://www.socialbeadia.com/marcia-balonis

Another resurgence we are witnessing at our local store is beaders going for tried and true Peyote stitch word charts.  The number of our shoppers going for Delica beads to make items has increased.  Beady people know how to do the Peyote word charts, they are very soothing to make, and are great for gifts.  Small items such as pen covers, many bracelets, and detail items such as 3-D pendant shapes and even boxes.  There is a lot that can be done in Peyote shapes!  Fantastic to see a resurgence in that media.  I've joined in on the soothing fun of Peyote and hope some of you have too.

Now for our future hope, we have some planned LIVE IN PERSON retreats.  I'm excited to be teaching at the Bead Society of the Palm Beaches retreat at Club Med in Florida in October, 2021.  https://beadsocietyofthepalmbeaches.com/bead-retreat-2021/  My project features a Raku pendant made by the well known raku artist Marianne Kasparian.

I've also signed up for the Las Vegas Beaders' Dream Retreat spring 2022.  Yes, that is a year away but hope is important.  http://www.beadersdreamretreat.com/  Beki Haley's retreats are well known and a great way to visit, learn, travel, and BEAD.

Soon I hope for details to arrive to be able to sign up for the 2022 Bead Cruise with Heather Powers.  The web site is not updated yet.  We sure had a great time on the 2020 cruise just before........  http://www.beadcruise.com/

I hope this little chit chat finds you well.  Stay safe and BEad happy.


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